Be Brave In Your Transformation

by Nathalie Revin Roth

8/23/20231 min read

Be brave in your transformation; breathe deeply your thoughts leading into your traumas. The healing is ongoing, so keep breathing with your soul through your heart.

Any final journey has epic emotions connected, yours is no exception. You have designed it and meticulously thought about the part you are in; it will shovel your insides quite a bit. All will make sense in time.

You are strong, you are wondering about all as you should and you have started to see with your soul the meaning of being.

This phase is only just that, a phase, a moment, a blip, a tiny speck in all the vastness of space in the Universe. Like a pinch, it will be short-lived on the spectrum of life and especially on yours.

You have chosen a long time ago to be here, to experience and become a higher protector for the Source itself when a choice was given. Know that many have made that same choice, facing the same challenge. You are here for them as they are here for you, as you are all united.

We see you shedding daily; we can feel how the vibrations emanating from your being are constantly increasing. We saw you yesterday when you understood a fear; we saw that new sparkle of light and your soul felt it too.

We are proud of you. Each day, you embrace what is coming at the surface, what is engulfing you, sometimes very deep. Every time you embrace the emotions, your desire for healing and being ready is powerful.

Do not judge your actions too harshly; we know that you are doing your best with this body that holds your bright form.

One last veil to go through, one last veil of thoughts to understand. We know that will blow it away like with all the precious ones.

Feel your heart's beat, feel the connection between each point of connection flowing with grace daily.

When you feel a heavier hold from your desperate Ego, past versions of your incarnations, you shall deeply breathe and force your cortex to vibrate stronger as you have started to practice daily.

You will then prevent any future lockdown or shutdown.

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