Heal Your Wound
by Nathalie Revin Roth
8/25/20231 min read
Heal your wounds today as you are still bleeding pain.
Stay focused on what feels right for you. When you achieve alignment, you close a wound. So, you must stop a little while, center yourself, and fill your being with LOVE.
Any life you had, even this human one, remember loving someone else or doing something that brings you so much joy and fulfillment that your flight gets brighter than this sun. So, focus your mind on those precious memories, let them sink in, and feel the vibration emanating from that emotion.
You must fill your heart with love; open the gate and let it flow wide inside because you are, by essence, LOVE.
Today, it cannot be dim anymore, but you must do your human part in this reactivation.
Every time you feel love beating, remember that it is us, your source of energy, your brothers and sisters of the Universe holding you tightly and giving so much love that it is lightening up all cities, but you must believe in yourself, in us for it to be that powerful.
Your belief is always in your heart and soul, so, deep breath and activate that calcified cortex of yours.
Breathe in our love - Breathe out your wounds and deep healing.