Let's Shine
by Nathalie Revin Roth
9/21/20231 min read
Let the light from within shine on the outside.
It wants to get out of the cage it's been kept. You can feel its call! You have seen the cracks, so you only need to serve yourself now by setting this light completely free.
It needs to exist and radiate infinite suns, as much darkness is still around. It deserves to be and to join all the other ones already in position.
You felt a move earlier, as you've been activated for some healing, to let go of blockages from the old version.
Take some time apart today and be aware of the changes inside. Meditate as you need, as you will hear the call.
Let it submerge your heart and soul, as its only desire is to elevate your being.
You know what we are talking about because you felt the vibration in your hands and in your Sacral (that's the name it's been given here).
Embrace the experience with Love and Gratitude.
We are leading you on this journey of yours.
We are vibrating with you.