Stand Up!
by Nathalie Revin Roth
10/2/20231 min read
Stand up! Be the warrior that you have been since the beginning.
No one tells you what to do, when, and how. It is right in your heart you know that you're aligned, but be respectful of what you want.
No wrongdoings, but you must stand up now.
You know your worth as a being of love and compassion. You know your worth when it comes to serving others to help them become their best.
There is no limit, no illusion to stop you from asking or taking what you want to accomplish your goals.
If you speak from the Source, from a place of love and healing for all, then the doors will open.
It's time for those sparkles of yours to become a fire that leads others to relief.
Break the rules imposed to keep you low and small. You are so big and shiny that no box can dim your light from now on.
Embrace that fire within you. Let that energy take hold of this body and lighten your soul again.
No box can contain you, and no one can keep you silenced, because you know the truth, and from that place, there is only moving successfully forward.